Thursday, 17 April 2014

5. The Puppeteer: Necklace & Boot Covers

Year: 2013/2014
Source: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag multiplayer
Conventions attended: Armageddon 2013, EB Expo 2013, Supanova (Melbourne & Sydney) 2014
Awards: Placed 2-5th in Ubisoft's E3 Fan Video Contest - Cosplay Category 2014

The Necklace & Earrings

Materials: jewellery wire, cameo pendant, plastic beads, seed beads, agate tear drop beads

I shortened the pendant loops (compared to the photo below)

Photo: John Jennings
Convention: Armageddon 2013

I bought the cameo pendant off eBay and found the beads at local bead/craft stores.


The Boot Covers

Materials: leather, buttons

To create the pattern, I wrapped my leg in glad wrap and duct tape. I made these at the last minute so they're not as perfect as I would've liked. I used a medium soft leather purchased of eBay from Italy.

I bought silver buttons from a button site in China and little did I realise they were jeans buttons and needed a hammer to join the two parts together! So I was trying to finish these in the hotel room in Sydney and trying like crazy to get these buttons to join without a hammer. I was at my wits end, eventually trying to use my boot heel as a make shift hammer. This was during the day so I hope I didn't disturb anyone nearby with the banging, haha. Eventually, I got most of them on to a point where they weren't going to pop off, but trying to do up the boot covers was an effort.


2017 edit: I have been wanting to remake the Puppeteer costume for years as I know I can do better. There were so many things I want to fix up and also because I don't fit into it anymore :( I made this during a time where I lost a lot of weight, which I have since regained...

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