Monday, 15 April 2013

Cosplay debut: The Smuggler (Elite)

I promised photos of my completed cosplay, so here they are. These were taken the morning before Melbourne Supanova 2013 in the CBD by a friend of mine. I had finished the costume back in November for a friend's late Halloween party, but I had only just finished the hidden blade the night before/morning of. Unfortunately, I managed to half-snap the tip of my blade before I had even left the house! >_< It was made out of foam board and I had to do a quick-repair with tape and a little piece of cardboard as a brace. I'll be replacing that foam board with something more sturdier at some point.

For a self-conscious, first-time cosplayer, I cannot express how nervous (and somewhat excited) I was walking out of the house like this and taking the train into the city. But I got a lot of positive comments from other cosplayers at Supanova and from passers-by as we were taking these shots.

Pre-Supanova test photo shoot. Location: Southgate/Arts Centre Bridge, Melbourne
Photographer: Glen Yeo (c) 2013

Pre-Supanova test photo shoot. Location: Southgate/Arts Centre Bridge, Melbourne
Photographer: Glen Yeo (c) 2013

Pre-Supanova test photo shoot. Location: Alexander Gardens, Melbourne
Photographer: Glen Yeo (c) 2013

Pre-Supanova test photo shoot. Location: Alexander Gardens, Melbourne
Photographer: Glen Yeo (c) 2013
I know it's not an environment the Smuggler would be found in, but I love the contrast between the green background and the costume.

I am so happy with how this costume turned out. The white layer of the pants need to be re-made as well because it wasn't as ruffled as I'd like it to be, as well as the boot covers (paint marks from the greaves) and the greaves (not pictured) . From the time it was completed in November to when Supanova happened in April, I had lost a little bit of weight, so everything was actually a lot looser than I had made it to be! But that can be fixed by moving the fasteners, etc.

At some point, my friend and I will plan another photoshoot in/around the city at various locations. Melbourne has some fantastic historical buildings that have a very AC feel to them. I have quite a few in mind, but 1) we need to find the time to meet up and 2) I need to gain the courage to walk around in costume again when there's not a convention on. :P

Hope you guys like it. Like I said in a previous post, I am aiming on posting some WIP shots and links to where I sourced things, but it depends if I can find the time. Feel free to contact me if you'd like information on how I made anything.

Look for me at PAX Aus 2013!

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