Sunday, 14 April 2013

Dedicated to: Cosplay

Welcome to my new blog! This will be dedicated to my cosplay creations, including any prop work that I may do. Originally, I was posting on my personal blog, but I decided that it needed a blog of its own instead of flooding my personal one. On here I will endeavour to document my cosplay WIP and tutorials (time and work permitting).

I know that when I first decided to make my own costume, I spent countless hours Googling for sewing tutorials, etc. and a lot of the time, particularly in trying to find ones specific to The Smuggler, I came up relatively empty-handed. It didn't help that she's not a very common cosplay choice. Yes, there are thousands of tutorials out there, so I'm going to add myself to that list with tutorials on my own costumes I've made, and hopefully someone out there will find these useful!

Things that I'll include:
  • Type of materials and fabrics used
  • Amount of fabric needed (if possible. I haven't been keeping very good tabs on this...)
  • Links to other tutorials that I found helpful.
  • Pattern designs
  • WIP construction photos
  • Any hints and tips that I found along the way that may be helpful to others
I plan to make individual blog posts for each costume piece because otherwise a single post will be too long and I don't want to bombard readers with information all at once.

I hope this becomes a useful resource for any cosplayers out there, whatever your skill level :)

Please be patient as I set this up.

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