Tuesday, 23 July 2013

PAX Aus 2013: Saturday

What a busy two weeks it's been. First Oz Comic-Con, and then the first international PAX Aus held in Melbourne at the Melbourne Showgrounds the last few days.

I only went the Saturday, and despite not actually playing any of the games and the weather being a typical rainy Melbourne winter, I had a lot of fun. I mainly went for the Ubisoft booth who did show a demo of AC4: BF, but it was gameplay I'd already seen online from the Sony E3 panel. Oh well, fingers crossed for EB Expo in October in Sydney for an actual playable demo.

I cosplayed once again as The Smuggler. Between OCC and PAX, I had accepted to help my cousin sew the jacket for her 'Yang' cosplay from Rooster Teeth's new series, "RWBY' so unfortunately a lot of my time was taken up with that instead of fixing up problems with my own costume. Once again, I was up late and experienced PAX on 4 hours sleep, and was literally pinned into my costume. That white ruffled layer of the pants is driving me nuts! But I think I have another possible solution so I have to try that at some point... Those boot covers were re-made as well since the original had unsightly paint marks on them.

PAX opened at 10am but I didn't arrive until 10:30am-ish and didn't get into the venue until 11am because I took time to adjust my costume at the car, but I was able to just walk straight through the Queue Room. The line to get into the carpark took at least 20 minutes just slow crawling it in. It didn't help that there was a weapons and mililtaria expo going on at the same time in another part of the Showgrounds.

The day was spent mainly wandering around the Expo Hall and meeting up with a few friends. I liked that PAX had organised tunnels of undercover marquees to herd people around and keep us out of the rain. Good job!

At 3pm, a cosplay photo shoot had been organised on Facebook in the Queue Room and I was able to meet up with some fellow AC cosplayers who I had been talking to through the group. It was great to be able to share tips and ideas on the making of the costumes and props and just meeting some very talented people overall. While we were hanging around in the Queue Room, one photographer went to take a photo of me and 'Connor', then asked, "Were you Mulan at Comic-Con?" which took me completely by surprise. I thought I recognised him too, but I wasn't sure (turns out it was That Guy Jye.)

(c) 2013 Jye O'Toole (That Guy Jye)
PAX Aus Cosplay FB group
Credit: Michael Anderson
My bent 'hidden' blade :(
Credit: Brett Woolgar

The Smuggler and Sharpshooter. Multiplayer characters, oh yeah.
Credit: Lisa Bryant
Ok, so I may have taken the liberty of wearing the Assassin's logo necklace which I know is not part of The Smuggler's outfit (she wears a Templar brooch), but I figured if no one knows who I am, then at least they know what game I'm from (if the costume design wasn't enough of an indicator).

Credit: Lisa Bryant
Connor and Sharpshooter, including all the props (minus the guns) were made by Lisa (DeviantArt / Mudget Makes). And I can tell you, she did a hell of a great job! With my new-found friends, we headed back over to the Ubisoft booth and took this photo:

"Home, sweet home"
Credit: Lisa Bryant
Thank you to the Ubisoft staff member who took this photo for us :) A lot of people thought I was a variation of Ezio, even a couple of the Ubi Aus team!

My own experience at PAX was amazing. Like I said, I thoroughly enjoyed myself just wandering around in cosplay and observing. For others who waited in line for panels, etc, I've seen some not so nice comments, so it all depends on who you talk to, I guess.

Again, thank you to everyone who complimented my costume. I noticed that my hood was crooked in a lot of them >_< and I know I looked a bit tired in a few. *sigh* It's because I was.

I'm looking forward to EB Expo in October. I promised myself and my bank account a break from cosplaying/sewing, but it seems my brain, in it's over-excitement has other ideas. It's already eager to start working on another AC cosplay in time for the release of AC4 and EB Expo and if it works out, coordinating my cosplay with Lisa and her boyfriend's AC4 cosplays. Let's see how we go, shall we? ;)

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