Thursday, 25 July 2013

Why the Smuggler (aka Lia de Russo)?

(c) 2013 Glen Yeo
This was a bit an ambitious choice for a first cosplay, but I'm extremely pleased with the finished result.

One of my friends has been into cosplay for many years and she always dressed up for conventions. It was only in the last few years that I discovered the nerdy fun of conventions and wanted to be part of the cosplay action, but I was always too shy and scared to.

Check out this concept artwork:

(c) Ubisoft
Look at all that detail! The one on the left is the in-game base character, while the centre and right images are the Smuggler in her elite gear (a fact I didn't discover until much later on) that you can unlock in multi-player. The elite gear just appealed to me. Maybe it was the puffy sleeves, and the cloak! I love cloaks...

Originally, I thought she was an assassin because of her weapon of choice - the inverted hidden blade. But she wears a Templar brooch and I remember reading on SubitoAllegra's Smuggler tutorial that she's paid by the Vatican. I thought I read somewhere that she works for herself so she could go either way. Maybe I just made that up; I honestly can't remember.

Funnily enough, Allegra's tutorial didn't scare me away from attempting the Smuggler.

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